Nationwide Training for New Home Sales Agents

Builders, we know your training budgets are gone and your training departments are non-existent. You can hire us to come in and teach all of these classes to your Agents in your Sales Meetings or we will teach customized training that you request.

To find out more details, call us at 866-600-EDGE

Easy Way to Walk Models

We know that for every 30 minutes you spend with a prospect increases your chance of a sale by 30%. Demonstrating the models is an easy way to achieve that. In this workshop, we will explore why it is important to walk your prospects, how to easily initiate a walk, what to do and not to do, once you are there. There will be practice and role play in this workshop.

Handling Objections & Calming High Maintenance Buyers

In this workshop, we will be discussing the best way to handle customer objections. When you acknowledge and move through objections those buyers can be your best allies. We can teach you how to use techniques to make this everyday event an easy thing to handle. We will be doing scripting and role play to work through these techniques.

How To Stay Hot When the Market’s Not

What is the difference between a slow market and a great market? ONE SALE!
In this workshop, you will learn the secret success to Starbucks and other famous brands that provide excellent customer service and have taken the market. By providing excellent customer service and making people feel special, people remember you and your product and they buy from you. One positive step at a time equals one sale at a time. It’s all you need to worry about!

The Lost Art of Active Listening & Reading Body Language

In this workshop we will teach how to truly listen to your buyer to find out needs, buying signals and so much more. Reading body language goes right along with listening and is so important in sales. We will practice these signals in group work and role play in this course. You will use the rest of your career!

Powerful Negotiations & Creating Urgency

In this workshop, we will study the art of negotiations. Creating Urgency in this market is challenging but can still be done. We will teach you skills to use and the signs to look for when buyers want to buy. Even though you may not be a final negotiator in a deal, it all starts with YOU! Come to this workshop and have fun learning a skill you can use in every part of your life.

Prospect Marketing and Follow Up – Just Do It!

In this workshop, we will explore how important prospect follow up is and the easy way to do it. We will have a guest title company come and discuss ways they can help you with your marketing for FREE. Don’t miss this important step in making lookers into buyers and the opportunity to do something your competition isn’t! Follow up is the key to lost sales and one way to make those potentials remember you!

More Seminars & Workshops to Choose From:

  • Goal Planning – Plan for success
  • Overcoming objections- Closing
  • Scripting-the power of your words
  • Reading buyer signals/Body Language
  • Active Listening- Paying Attention
  • Your 30 second commercial
  • Understanding our changing environment
  • How to structure open ended questions- Probing
  • How to find potential buyers
  • Knowing, selling and closing your buyers
  • Understanding the escrow process

Call us Now to have us teach any one of these seminars for your Sales Team!
